Retro by Jazzberry Blue

Use of typography

If the invention of writing is one of the oldest and important for humanity, the typography is certainly the most advanced and refined expression of writing. Born with Gutenberg and the printing with movable type, typography is now more vital than ever thanks to the high resolution in the press, and in recent years also in the screens of the devices. The tools for creating Font are within the reach of all but the birth of successful character requires years of study and a lot of sensitivity in finding the balance of forms.
Font is a complex set of symbols, even using it in a graphic composition requires much skill and sensitivity.
This selection of artists has been able to use the best of his typographic sensibilities to create unique visual works.

Phases of the Moon infographic by Nick Wiinikka

Phases of the Moon infographic by Nick Wiinikka

The choice of an effective fonts and the balance of the size and spacing are the basis of the clarity of this infographic but also of its elegance.

Buy this print by Nick Wiinikka


Go to the library by Risa Rodil

Go to the library by Risa Rodil

Lisa Rodil always creates new fonts to fit the illustrative style that characterizes his works

Buy this print of Lisa Rodil


Get Shit Done by Crafty Lemon

Get Shit Done by Crafty Lemon

The “motivational” posters are a popular trend. Crafty Lemon interprets the better of choosing a friendly and conversational sentence, making a font decided on watercolored background.

Buy this print of Crafty Lemon


Retro by Jazzberry Blue

Retro by Jazzberry Blue

Jazbberry Blue mastered geometry and in this work shows us how it is at the base of the creation of typographic fonts.

Buy this print of Jazbberry Blue


helga single hop by Committee On Opprobriations

helga single hop by Committee On Opprobriations

The impact of the Helvetica font and Swiss International Typographic Style school is seen in this poster, part of a wide range that declines poetic.

Buy this print of Committee On Opprobriations


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